To provide guidelines for the design and specifications of batch control systems. This will draw from (and supplement) existing standards and recommended practices of ISA and other organizations. Subjects that will be considered for inclusion by this committee are:

  1. To define terminology specific to batch control systems that will encourage understanding between manufacturers and users.
  2. To provide a standard data structure batch control language to simplify the programming, configuration tasks, and communication between the various components of the system.
  3. To provide a standard data structure for batch systems that will simplify the task of data communications within the system architecture.
  4. To determine a standard batch control architecture that defines both the physical model and the functional model. The physical model is the hierarchical structure that relates control equipment and data communications needed for the physical areas involved in batch control. The functional model shows the relationships between the five types of control recipe management, scheduling, sequential control, regulatory control, and safety interlock systems.